This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. More details Calendar The Event is permanently deleted and can't be restored. Are you sure, you want to proceed? Delete this EventDelete this Event including all repetitionsDelete this Event including all future repetitionsDelete this Event including all past repetitions The Event is permanently deleted and can't be restored. Are you sure, you want to proceed? Calendar Raid list Statistics RaidsUserraidsStandardBirthdayOthers All Future Past Loading ... Export calendar Signup to selected raids signed upsigned offbackup Sign up Day of week Date Start End Event Note Wednesday 16.10.24 20:30 22:00 Legion Mythic Boss 1. 20.30 bis 22.00 oder Boss tot. Thursday 17.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 20.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 20.10.24 20:30 22:00 Legion Boss 1. mythic. 20.30 - 22.00 oder Boss Tot. Thursday 24.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 27.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Thursday 31.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 03.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Thursday 07.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 10.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid ... 10 entries found Create summary Starting Date Ending Date Show twinks Create summary
The Event is permanently deleted and can't be restored. Are you sure, you want to proceed? Delete this EventDelete this Event including all repetitionsDelete this Event including all future repetitionsDelete this Event including all past repetitions The Event is permanently deleted and can't be restored. Are you sure, you want to proceed? Calendar Raid list Statistics RaidsUserraidsStandardBirthdayOthers All Future Past Loading ... Export calendar Signup to selected raids signed upsigned offbackup Sign up Day of week Date Start End Event Note Wednesday 16.10.24 20:30 22:00 Legion Mythic Boss 1. 20.30 bis 22.00 oder Boss tot. Thursday 17.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 20.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 20.10.24 20:30 22:00 Legion Boss 1. mythic. 20.30 - 22.00 oder Boss Tot. Thursday 24.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 27.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Thursday 31.10.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 03.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Thursday 07.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid Sunday 10.11.24 20:00 23:00 Mainraid ... 10 entries found Create summary Starting Date Ending Date Show twinks Create summary